Jesse’s eyes were completely sealed shut from an infection
Tiny Jesse was found on the sidewalk in 39 degree temperatures. His eyes were completely sealed shut from an infection, he was dehydrated, starving, and had ear mites. ABC immediately took him to the hospital where he was treated with fluids and antibiotics, and fed prescription food every few hours.
After being hospitalized for 10 days he is finally able to eat on his own and is gaining weight – clearly he has the will to survive! He will complete his recovery in a foster home until he’s ready to be adopted.
Jesse’s veterinary expenses have been considerable so any size contribution will help this precious boy. As always, your donation is tax-deductible. ABC has no paid administrative staff so all the funds go directly to the animal care. Donations via check can be mailed to Animals Benefit Club, 3111 E St John Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032, please include “Jesse” in the memo.
ABC rescues animals regardless of their medical condition. Many times an animal needs surgery or extended medical care before he or she is ready for adoption. Our Critical Care Corner will keep you updated on these special needs animals.