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COMETS Coin Drive Returns!

COMETS coin drive

After a two year hiatus due to the pandemic, we were happy to welcome back the Desert Springs Preparatory sixth grade leadership class, along with their families and teachers Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Pela. The COMETS (Community Outreach Means Everyone Teams for Success) held a school-wide coin drive and raised $1,100 for ABC. Way to go, COMETS!

COMETS check presentation to ABC

After the check presentation, every one got to tour a dog building (the dogs barked their loudest “hello”), play with some kitties in the cattery, and share treats with some well mannered dogs. ABC Volunteers were there to talk about the history and mission of ABC and to demonstrate the best way to greet a new dog. Each student received a treat to give to the rescue dogs, we’re not sure who was more excited about it – the kids or the pups!

Thank you COMETS for your continued support of ABC, not only did you help the animals, but you also helped reduce the coin shortage!

Read about previous coin drives.

COMETS Coin Drive Raised $1,400!

COMETS Leadership Class Coin Drive

Desert Springs Preparatory sixth grade COMETS leadership class once again organized a successful coin drive fundraiser to support ABC. COMETS stands for Community Outreach Means Everyone Teams for Success. Through their team work and dedication they helped raise over $1,400 for our cause, we’d call that a success!

COMETS Leadership Class Check Presentaton
COMETS Leadership Class Check Presentation

After the check presentation, the class learned about the importance of pet safety, microchipping, and spay/neuter. They got to meet and spend time with some of our adoptable cats & dogs, including wonder dog Hunter, who lost his right eye and leg after being hit by a car. They also learned how a microchip scanner works and got to try it first hand.

Thank you to teachers Mrs. Berg and Mrs. Pela, the COMETS, and their parents, for supporting ABC for a 5th consecutive year!

Read about last year’s coin drive.

COMETS Coin Drive Success!

Desert Springs Preparatory Coin Drive Fundraiser

COMETS Leadership Class Host a Coin Drive for ABC!

Thank you once again to the COMETS at Desert Springs Preparatory! This is their 4th consecutive year to host a coin drive and pizza sale to raise money for Animals Benefit Club. Mrs. Berg and her sixth grade leadership class presented ABC with a check for $1,261 and everyone got to meet Wesley, one of our adoptable dogs!

Thank you to this wonderful group of young adults and their teacher for supporting ABC and the community!

Read about last year’s coin drive.

Desert Springs Preparatory Coin Drive

Desert Springs Preparatory Coin Drive

Coin Drive Fundraiser Success!

Desert Springs Preparatory coin drive fundraiser raises over $1,100 for Amber's surgery

Desert Springs Preparatory coin drive raises over $1,100 for Amber!

Mrs. Berg and her civic leadership group, the COMETS, organized a successful coin drive fundraiser for Amber’s leg surgery. This is their 3rd consecutive year fundraising on behalf of ABC and they raised over $1,100! Amber enjoyed meeting the students and receiving all the attention during the donation presentation!

Thank you to Mrs. Berg, the Desert Springs Preparatory students, and everyone who participated to help raise money for Amber! Have a great summer break and we hope to see you again next year!