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Download the Holiday 2021 Letter
My name is Snowflake. I was living in horrible conditions outside downtown Phoenix with my brothers, Nicholas and Midnight, and my mother Noel. We were so scared. With no place safe to sleep, no food, and near freezing temps, we were unsure if we were going to survive. We tried not to lose hope and snuggled close together to keep each other warm. As the days passed we would hunt for food in nearby trash cans. It was all we had to survive. Many times it made us sick.

Then one day volunteers from ABC arrived and rescued us! They wrapped us in soft blankets and held us close in their arms – we purred for probably the first time ever. They brought us to their shelter and we now have a safe place to live, wonderful food, even cat trees, toys and a litter box. We are so happy and so WARM! Plus, we have as much good food and fresh water as we want and the staff and volunteers are so nice. We found out there are many dogs and cats like us at the shelter. ABC rescues abandoned, homeless animals and rehabilitates them so they can find their forever homes. We also found out that it is run by volunteers and all donations go to animal care and support!

There are so many homeless cats and dogs, it’s truly heartbreaking. I shudder to think what would have happened to us if ABC had not come to our rescue. I hope you can find it in your heart to make a donation and continue to help animals like me. I managed to slip a donation return envelope in the letter for your convenience! Remember, ABC is a 501c3 charitable organization so your donation is one hundred percent tax deductible.
Thank you for listening and have a wonderful Holiday season!
Check out more recent photos of us here and a cute video of Snowflake here.